Sunday, August 19, 2007

Homeopathic Remedy For Acid Reflux

Many people who suffer from acid reflux are not willing to take prescribed medications because fear of unwanted side effect. They prefer to choose alternative medication such as homeopathic remedy for acid reflux or acid reflux herb.

Like any other medication, a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux is not designed to be taken for long periods of time. Once symptoms of acid reflux are no longer present, treatment should be discontinued.

It should be remembered that the term homeopathic remedy is not synonymous with a natural remedy or herbal cure. Many acid reflux symptoms may be effectively controlled with this remedy, but lifestyle and dietary changes are also necessary.

Chamomile, fennel, meadowsweet and ginger root are some of the most common natural herbs used as a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux. These herbs pose no danger for long-term use, but their effectiveness has not been proven. So this remedy may work for one person but not for another.

If you suffer from acid reflux, it is important that you see your doctor regularly because stomach acid can damage the esophagus and lead to more serious conditions including cancer of the esophagus. You should also let your doctor know about the homeopathic remedy for acid reflux that you are using.

If you develop different symptoms such as hoarseness in the throat, coughing or the need to constantly clear the throat, it may be a sign of what is termed silent acid reflux. Silent acid reflux is the term used to describe acid reflux that irritates the voice box or vocal cords, but does not cause heartburn symptoms. So even if a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux keeps your heartburn under control, you should still see your doctor regularly.

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