Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Acid Reflux Foods To Avoid

Acid reflux is an annoying, uncomfortable condition for many people. Although most of those who suffer from acid reflux are older people, but small babies and others can also suffer from acid reflux. This condition can be very miserable and distressing for a young baby.

One of the most common symptoms of acid reflux is a burning sensation behind the breastbone. This condition causes many people to think that they are suffering from a heart attack. Many of these uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms can be eliminated if they remember the acid reflux foods to avoid. Many people who suffer from acid reflux eat foods that cause the problem.

The acid reflux foods to avoid include many citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and pomelos. Juices from citrus fruits should also be avoided. People who suffer from acid reflux should include apples and bananas in their diets. These fruits will provide them the nutrients.

Other acid reflux foods to avoid are mashed potatoes and French fries. Also, avoid foods that have many spices. Spices are known to trigger the condition of acid reflux. Marbled sirloin steak and ground chuck steak are also acid reflux foods to avoid as they have a lot of fat. Never ever eat acid reflux foods to avoid in the evening. Most people suffer from acid reflux when they try to sleep.

People with acid reflux should also avoid cakes that have creamy frostings, ice cream, brownies and doughnuts. You can substitute some kinds of frozen yogurt for the ice cream. Dairy products such as milkshakes, cottage cheese and sour cream should also be avoided. Macaroni with cheese and pastas with rich sauces are definitely on the list of acid reflux foods to avoid.

Click here to stop your acid reflux now!

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