Thursday, August 30, 2007

Heartburn or GERD

Here are 3 great videos that will teach you how to identify and differentiate Heartburn and GERD. Learn what are the symptoms and some important prevention methods.

Heartburn Drugs May Increase Fracture Risk

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How Do Probiotics Help With Acid Reflux?

Many people who are lactose intolerant are being treated by the ingestion of probiotics to introduce beneficial yeast and bacteria into the digestive tract. A connection between probiotics and acid reflux relief is thought to be exist for people suffering from helicobacter pylori infection, a known cause of acid reflux. However, there remains dispute that a connection between probiotics and acid reflux relief when it is caused by other issues.

There have been patients using probiotics following a bout of food poisoning or other stomach disorder claim that the symptoms of acid reflux disappeared. The link between probiotics and acid reflux is not confirmed by any medical studies, but research has shown that probiotics are very effective in treating indigestion. Lactic acid bacteria is one of the most common in use and has been utilized in the food industry for years for added shelf life and making it less likely that spoilage-causing bacteria can survive in the food product.

Doctors, and more recently nutritionists, have used probiotics to rebalance the natural bacteria in the event of alcohol poisoning, stress, disease or other substances that may kill the healthy bacteria produced naturally by the body. By getting the digestive system back on track using probiotics, acid reflux seems to be minimized.

Probiotics Acid Reflux Debate Continues To Rage:

As more studies are conducted on the effects of probiotics on intestinal disorders, there are more indications that suggest the connection between probiotics and acid reflux reduction. When a person is taking antibiotics, for example, the drugs cannot distinguish between good and bad bacteria, which can result in stomach disorders such as gas and diarrhea. By replacing the good bacteria through the use of probiotics, these symptoms disappear. It also argued that gas and diarrhea can also lead to indigestion, further supporting the argument linking probiotics and acid reflux relief.

However, studies will continue to see if different types of bacteria used as probiotics can have a positive effect on acid reflux sufferers. Until solid evidence is presented it is being presumed that probiotics and acid reflux relief is an individual benefit.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Acid Reflux And Alkaline Diet

Alkaline Diet Can Reduce Acid Reflux Symptoms

Many people suffering from acid indigestion may have a high level of acid in their body due to their diet. One method of improving the pH level is by altering the way they eat. When looking to treat acid reflux, alkaline diet foods are very important as they can offer great help. Practically everyone has a pH factor of 7.4 in their saliva, in their spinal fluid and their blood.

The test to determine the pH level in the saliva is quite simple. Simply wait at least two hours after eating and allow the mouth to fill saliva, swallowing two times. Allow the mouth to fill with saliva a third time and then spit it onto pH paper. Compare the color of the paper with the chart to determine the acidity of the saliva. An increase in acid level in the saliva is an indication that more alkaline foods in the diet are needed.

Alkaline foods such as green beans, celery, broccoli and others can help to neutralize acid in our body. Alkaline diet is proven to be effective in keeping acid reflux at bay. You should aim to eat 75-80% alkaline foods and a maximum of 20-25% acid forming foods.

Click here to see a complete list of Alkaline and Acid Foods.

Lifestyle Change Needed To Reduce Acid Reflux

As a general rule, dairy products and red meats such as cheese, yogurt, ice cream, pork, lamb, beef, etc. should be avoided to reduce acid reflux. Instead, consume more vegetables and fruits such as asparagus, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, avocado, tomato, grapefruits, etc.

Alkaline diet not only can reduce acid reflux but it can also result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength, a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing.

Tobacco, beer and coffee all these will leave an acid ash in our body hence should be avoided. Many believe that milk can help indigestion, in fact milk is high in acid and can add more problem to acid reflux. It’s best to avoid it if you suffer from acid reflux.

Here is the general guidance for acid reflux and alkaline diet: “stick to salads, fresh vegetables and healthy nuts and grains. Try to consume plenty of raw foods and at least 2-3 litres of clean, pure water daily”.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Acid Reflux in Children

What Are the Acid Reflux Symptoms in Children?

Acid reflux affects many adults and it can affect children too. And the problem is that children don’t know how to tell you what’s wrong. When this happens, there’s no way to go about fixing the problem which in turn can further aggravate the acid reflux and make it worse.

It’s important to know the acid reflux symptoms in children that are recognizable, so you can help your child deal with the disease. There are a few clues to look for, and ways to teach your child how to help you understand what’s going on with them.

What to Look Out For?

When trying to look for acid reflux symptoms in children, you’ll want to pay close attention at meal time. This is when you may notice your child slow down after having a few bites, or looking uncomfortable when swallowing their foods. They may be experiencing heartburn but they aren’t quite sure what’s going on.

In order to try and get your children to tell you their acid reflux symptoms, you’ll have to do a little poking and prodding. Let them know what heartburn feels like and ask them if they have any feelings like it at all. If they insist they don’t, it’s best to get them checked by a doctor just to make sure.

Excessive burping is another acid reflux symptom in children that you should be aware of. If an over-the-counter indigestion medication helps with the burping, chances are that you’ve found a symptom of acid reflux in your child. It’s a good sign to let you know that you should take your child to the doctor.

Acid Reflux Symptoms in Children Aren’t Always Proof

Just because a child may display acid reflux symptoms, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have the disease. A doctor is always your best bet to make sure thing is under control.

Changing your child’s diet and having a healthier diet is a good way to determine whether these kinds of things will cure your child’s symptoms. Over-the-counter medications are fine to try but don’t use them excessively. Again, if you’re unsure, see the doctor.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Digestive Enzymes Acid Reflux

Digestive enzymes are essential to our body’s digestive system because they break down food particles. Digestive enzymes need to be continually produced by eating the right sorts of foods or by consuming supplements which contain these enzymes. Deficiency of digestive enzymes can result in a multitude of problems such as gas, bloating and weight gain. Another problem that can occur due to a deficiency in digestive enzymes is acid reflux.

Many foods contain natural digestive enzymes when raw but these can be destroyed during the cooking process. As a result, the production of digestive enzymes does not reach its full potential and it becomes scarce, leaving us susceptible to acid reflux problem. Acid reflux results when stomach acids creep back into the esophagus and throat causing heartburn, uncomfortable pains and burning sensations.

Preventing Acid Reflux Using Digestive Enzymes

Acid reflux is a very irritating problem that is often due to a lack of digestive enzymes in the body. Acid reflux itself can lead to further problems but it could potentially be avoided. If acid reflux is resulting from low amounts of digestive enzymes in the body, then the logical solution is to consume a larger amount of raw or lightly cooked foods which contain the vital enzymes.

Cooked foods have little or no digestive enzymes so it is no surprise that many people suffer from acid reflux. Food needs to be broken down by enzymes in the stomach so they can be digested efficiently. When people do not consume rich-enzymes foods, the body itself is put under pressure to produce enzymes and in cases where foods are not sufficiently broken down, acids reflux can occur.

Consuming foods that are rich in digestive enzymes will have a less chance of acid reflux occurring. Eating raw or steamed vegetables and fruits are the best options as well as avoiding cooking meat for too long. Digestive enzyme capsules can also be taken before meals so that the body can absorb enough enzymes.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pregnancy Acid Reflux - Acid Reflux During Pregnancy

Why Acid Reflux Can Appear During Pregnancy:

Many women experience heartburn and acid reflux during pregnancy for the first time in their lives. This is generally due to the extra weight the women put on during pregnancy, as the stomach grows, there is more pressure and acid reflux can occur. Other reasons can be the change of hormones level in a pregnant body. They can soften the ligaments that prevent acid from creeping back up into the esophagus.

Preventing Acid Reflux in Pregnancy:

It is difficult to eliminate acid reflux entirely during pregnancy but there are measures that can be taken which will alleviate the condition. Spicy foods should be avoided as much as possible to minimize the chances of acid reflux occurring. Caffeine and alcohol should also be avoided as both can weaken the ligaments, which mean acid has the opportunity to reflux back into the esophagus and throat. Eating several smaller meals rather than two or three large ones can also help, as can eating slowly and chewing foods properly.

Fluids such as milk and water can help to soothe the discomfort caused by acid reflux as well as helping to prevent future occurrences. Lying down immediately after a meal is a bad idea and while sleeping, the head and shoulders should be propped up by pillows which help to keep acids in the stomach.

Wearing tight clothes around the waist and stomach can put too much pressure on the area and force acids to reflux. Loose clothing is best during pregnancy to avoid acid reflux. It is also a good idea to note how you bend to pick up objects. By bending at the waist, pressure is again put on the stomach so a good alternative would be to bend at the knees instead.

Good posture and gaining the recommended amount of weight is also necessary to prevent acid reflux in pregnancy. Smoking must be avoided and check with a doctor before taking over the counter antacids and acid reflux remedies as they may contain ingredients that are not suitable for pregnant women. There are enough discomforts in pregnancy without adding acid reflux to the list so follow these tips to make the hassle of heartburn as minimal as possible.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Distilled Water for Acid Reflux

Distilled water has long since been a controversial topic as many people argue on the benefits versus the disadvantages of using distilled water. On one hand it can cause the body to be acidic but on the other, it is often recommended as a way of de-toxing the body. And using distilled water in the diet is often advised when fighting acid reflux. Many experts advise the use of distilled water on a short term basis only, namely one or two days.

To play safe, it is probably best to consult an expert before undertaking a diet that uses distilled water. The general consensus seems to be that distilled water is okay in small doses or as part of a detoxification process but should be avoided over a long term basis. Distilled water could work on preventing acid reflux by purging certain toxins from our body.

Using Distilled Water in the Diet to Avoid Acid Reflux

Beating the uncomfortable heartburn effects can be as simple as eating foods that are easily digested. The foods should be as alkaline as possible to counteract against the acidic problems in the body and also the foods should be chewed properly.

Distilled water is often used to help in the healing process, it prevents acid reflux in the future and also minimize the pain caused by heartburn. The esophagus needs to repair the damage so eating soft and easily digested foods can help a great deal. Spicy food, cigarettes and alcohol should be avoided.

There are ways to use distilled water to combat against acid reflux which are said to be extremely useful but they mainly involve combining distilled water with foods. Many people choose to create soft mixes using distilled water, honey and other ingredients that are thought to soothe and repair the esophagus.

Fruits such as melon and papaya are excellent soft foods for acid reflux sufferers as they are easily digested. As for drink, a mixture of romaine lettuce, honey and distilled water is a good blend as it is quite soothing and extremely easy on the stomach. Romaine lettuce in particular is highly alkaline and is the type of food needed to balance the levels of acidity in the body.

Looking for a ALL-NATURAL remedy for acid reflux? Then check out this great book: "STOP ACID REFLUX NOW".

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Homeopathic Remedy For Acid Reflux

Many people who suffer from acid reflux are not willing to take prescribed medications because fear of unwanted side effect. They prefer to choose alternative medication such as homeopathic remedy for acid reflux or acid reflux herb.

Like any other medication, a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux is not designed to be taken for long periods of time. Once symptoms of acid reflux are no longer present, treatment should be discontinued.

It should be remembered that the term homeopathic remedy is not synonymous with a natural remedy or herbal cure. Many acid reflux symptoms may be effectively controlled with this remedy, but lifestyle and dietary changes are also necessary.

Chamomile, fennel, meadowsweet and ginger root are some of the most common natural herbs used as a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux. These herbs pose no danger for long-term use, but their effectiveness has not been proven. So this remedy may work for one person but not for another.

If you suffer from acid reflux, it is important that you see your doctor regularly because stomach acid can damage the esophagus and lead to more serious conditions including cancer of the esophagus. You should also let your doctor know about the homeopathic remedy for acid reflux that you are using.

If you develop different symptoms such as hoarseness in the throat, coughing or the need to constantly clear the throat, it may be a sign of what is termed silent acid reflux. Silent acid reflux is the term used to describe acid reflux that irritates the voice box or vocal cords, but does not cause heartburn symptoms. So even if a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux keeps your heartburn under control, you should still see your doctor regularly.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Avoiding Foods that Cause Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (a muscle or valve in our stomach) is weakened and forced open. When this happens, foods and juices rise up, causing the burning feeling of acid reflux. Everyone will have their own triggers when it comes to acid reflux, however there are certain foods that can cause acid reflux for the majority of people who suffer from this disease.

Caffeine is high on the list of foods that cause acid reflux. This includes coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages. Sadly, these are vices for many people because many barely stand to face the day before a cup of coffee or two. Carbonated beverages are almost addictive. Giving up these comforts can be difficult, but will certainly help to reduce occurrences of acid reflux.

Fried foods and other high fat foods are at the very top of the list of foods that cause acid reflux. This is because these foods take a long time for the body to digest. This increases pressure in the stomach, which in turn puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter and allows for reflux to occur.

Other common foods that cause acid reflux include citrus foods and juices, tomatoes and tomato based products, and chocolate. All these foods can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter and allows for stomach contents and juices to rise up. While it is not a food, tobacco is also a prime culprit.

Unfortunately foods that cause acid reflux are some of the foods that people enjoy most, which is why acid reflux is such a common problem.

Ways to Lessen Acid Reflux

Here are one way to lessen the occurrences of acid reflux: Don’t eat too much! When the stomach is too full, it puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter. It is also important to not lie down directly after eating and is recommended to not lie down until two to three hours after eating.

Another way is to simply avoid the foods that cause acid reflux to occur. Each individual should eventually be able to recognize their trigger foods and avoid them. And of course another way to lessen acid reflux is through prescribed medications by your doctor.

If you prefer the more natural way, you can try the self-help methods. These methods are natural and without any side effect but it requires some disciplines from your side. If you are keen to try the all-natural self-help methods of dealing with acid reflux, we recommend you to check out the following two books:
  1. Heartburn No More.

  2. Stop Acid Reflux Now.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Acid Reflux Surgery

When Acid Reflux Surgery is Necessary?

Most people have heard of acid reflux. It is also commonly referred to as heartburn. But few realize the severity of acid reflux. In some cases, acid reflux surgery becomes a necessity. To understand its severity, it is important to understand the anatomy and causes of acid reflux.

When food is swallowed, it travels down the esophagus (a tube that connects the mouth to the stomach) and through the lower esophageal sphincter (or LES) into the stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter is a muscle or valve that will keep stomach contents out of the esophagus and breathing airway.

Certain foods, such as chocolate, caffeine, fried foods, fatty foods, and tomato-based foods can cause the LES to weaken. When this happens, it allows the stomach contents and juices to rise up, causing the burning feeling of acid reflux. In addition, eating too much or lying down too soon after eating can put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter and cause the valve to open.

Most people who experience acid reflux will never need acid reflux surgery. But some people suffer from severe acid reflux that can cause inflammation of the esophagus, ulceration or scars on the esophagus, and even cancer. In these cases, acid reflux surgery is often necessary.

What is Acid Reflux Surgery?

Acid reflux surgery is performed with the use of a laparoscope. This is a small video camera on the end of a thin tube. This camera is inserted through a small incision in the belly button. The abdomen is filled with carbon dioxide to inflate it so that the surgeon can see. Four other small incisions are made to insert the instruments used to perform the acid reflux surgery. The camera allows the surgeon to see the instruments. This is an easy, straightforward procedure that can relieve the pain of acid reflux.

The laparoscopic procedure will wrap and seal the upper part of the stomach around the esophagus. This puts the right amount of pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Patients are often discharged the same day after the surgery. There are very few potential complications from acid reflux surgery and recovery is generally quick.

Acid reflux surgery is considered only when other options are exhausted. In some cases, the surgery is necessary to avoid further complications of acid reflux. Once surgery has been performed, it is a good idea to stick to a healthy diet and cuts out those foods that cause acid reflux.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

When someone have been diagnosed with an illness, the conventional approach to find a cure is either through the use of prescribed medications or surgery. However, today there are tremendous interests in treating illnesses through the use of natural remedies. For example, some individuals, who have been diagnosed with depression, have found success in taking a herb known as St. John's Wort. Also, the reason why natural remedies is getting popular is because they are safe and without side effects.

A very common illness that is found amongst individuals today is acid reflux. For the treatment option some people choose to use chemical drugs to reduce the production of acid in the stomach. Others choose to undergo surgery to help remedy their acid reflux condition.

However, there are natural remedies for acid reflux through the use of homeopathic medicine. These natural remedies for acid reflux are a viable option for many people. If you suffer from acid reflux and are interested in natural medication, please read on as I will share with you some of the herbs and foods used as the natural remedies for acid reflux.

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is the backward or reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. This reflux of acid causes a burning sensation due to the stomach acid flowing into the esophagus. If left untreated this condition may cause ulceration of the esophagus lining.

Acid reflux can be caused by a number of factors. Some of those factors can include overeating, being overweight or eating the wrong types of foods. Some of those foods can include carbonated beverages, excessive amounts of caffeine and acidic foods.

In addition, there are certain lifestyle choices that may cause acid reflux. One such lifestyle is the use of tobacco products.

What are The Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux?

Although conventional medications such as chemical drugs have helped some people, there are many who prefer to choose the natural remedies for their acid reflux treatment. Natural remedies for acid reflux are generally herbs or organic foods. These remedies are usually long term and they aim to get to the root cause of the problem. Unlike chemical based medication which can have side effect, natural medication is safe and free from side effect.

One type of herb that is helpful for acid reflux treatment is wormwood. Wormwood is proven to be effective in stimulating and strengthening the entire digestive process. It performs this function by balancing the secretion of digestive juices. Also, wormwood has been shown to have anti-parasitic qualities and helps to reduce inflammation.

Foods that may help as the remedies for acid reflux are garlics. The function of garlic is to kill the bacteria that cause inflammation of the stomach. This bacteria is called H. pylori and is the only bacteria that are not affected by the acid found in the stomach.

Click here if you’re interested to learn more about the natural remedies for acid reflux.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Acid Reflux Foods To Avoid

Acid reflux is an annoying, uncomfortable condition for many people. Although most of those who suffer from acid reflux are older people, but small babies and others can also suffer from acid reflux. This condition can be very miserable and distressing for a young baby.

One of the most common symptoms of acid reflux is a burning sensation behind the breastbone. This condition causes many people to think that they are suffering from a heart attack. Many of these uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms can be eliminated if they remember the acid reflux foods to avoid. Many people who suffer from acid reflux eat foods that cause the problem.

The acid reflux foods to avoid include many citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and pomelos. Juices from citrus fruits should also be avoided. People who suffer from acid reflux should include apples and bananas in their diets. These fruits will provide them the nutrients.

Other acid reflux foods to avoid are mashed potatoes and French fries. Also, avoid foods that have many spices. Spices are known to trigger the condition of acid reflux. Marbled sirloin steak and ground chuck steak are also acid reflux foods to avoid as they have a lot of fat. Never ever eat acid reflux foods to avoid in the evening. Most people suffer from acid reflux when they try to sleep.

People with acid reflux should also avoid cakes that have creamy frostings, ice cream, brownies and doughnuts. You can substitute some kinds of frozen yogurt for the ice cream. Dairy products such as milkshakes, cottage cheese and sour cream should also be avoided. Macaroni with cheese and pastas with rich sauces are definitely on the list of acid reflux foods to avoid.

Click here to stop your acid reflux now!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Acid Reflux Treatment

The first step in acid reflux treatment starts with your lifestyle changes. These changes may not be as difficult as you think. The first thing to change is your diet or the way you eat. Eating smaller meals four or five times a day is much better than eating three larger meals. This has more benefits than just helping to control acid reflux symptoms. When you eat smaller meals your body doesn’t have to work as hard to digest the meal. It is more likely the body will digest all of a smaller meal. With a larger meal, the part that is not digested could turn into fat.

Another lifestyle change is to quit smoking. If you are a smoker, this can be hard but you MUST quit smoking in order to treat your acid reflux. Try a new approach, get a buddy system going, or ask your physician for help. Quit smoking has numerous health benefits to your body when you finally succeed.

Try sleeping on your side instead of your stomach or back. The left side is better than the right, but either side is better than your back. It is more difficult for the acid to go back into the esophagus if you are lying on your side.

When To See Your Doctor:

If simple lifestyle changes do not alleviate the problem, you should consult your doctor for advice. Acid reflux treatment is an important part of maintaining overall good health. If your acid reflux problem is severe, your doctor may advise you to take prescribed medication.

Many of these prescriptions are expensive but your doctor can advise you which ones would be best for you to take. Some of the older medications now come in a generic form which could save you some money. If your doctor prescribes you a medication it is important for you not to stop taking it without consulting him. Stopping your medication will likely cause your symptoms to resurface.

In extreme cases, acid reflux treatment may involve surgery. This is usually after all other methods are exhausted. Doctors are reluctant to do surgery if there is a way to avoid it because the treatment of acid reflux by surgery does not have a very high success rate. Reflux surgery often results in complications which can be as bad or worse than the disease itself. Before consenting to surgery it is best to consult more than one doctor. Surgery should be a consideration only after all other methods have failed.

If you are suffering from acid reflux, check out the following books that will show you the holistic method in stopping your acid reflux permanently without using any medication.

  1. Heartburn No More.

  2. Stop Acid Reflux Now.

Acid Reflux Symptoms

The most common symptom for acid reflux is heartburn. This usually occurs after eating a meal or drinking a drink which has an acid content. This is one of the acid reflux symptoms which is usually worse for the first two hours after a meal. Many people mistake it for chest pain when they first experience it. But please take note that not all people with acid reflux experience this symptom.

Other acid reflux symptoms are having a dry cough that lingers, getting up in the morning with hoarseness, and the feeling that food is not going all the way down. Often these symptoms will get severe enough to cause one to vomit. For many people, when the esophagus stays irritated long enough, it will cause esophageal spasms which are often mistaken for heart related chest pain.

If left untreated, acid reflux symptoms can keep you awake at night and cause severe damage to the esophagus. Prescription medication for this disease is usually very expensive but there are medications out there that claim to heal the damage which the esophagus has sustained.

Natural Home Remedies:
For people who have mild or moderate acid reflux symptoms, they may be able to manage their symptoms at home using home remedies. The live cultures found in yogurt seem to help many people control their symptoms. Not only do the cultures help with the cooling of acid reflux burn, they are also good to treat other ailments of the body. Many health professionals recommend eating yogurt daily to help maintain a normal ph level in the body.

Apple cider vinegar is another product that seems to provide relief of the burn. If this sounds gross to you, try mixing it with a little water. As little as two tablespoons after each meal can be highly effective in reducing acid reflux symptoms. This is an inexpensive way to treat the symptoms without having to go to the doctor. Ironically, mixing a small amount of cayenne pepper in the apple cider vinegar also works quite well. Taking this mixture just before bedtime will probably insure you a good night’s sleep which is free of pain.

Another well known home remedy is mixing baking soda with water. A couple of teaspoons mixed in a few ounces of water will usually provide immediate relief. This also has a dual purpose. Baking soda helps to relieve symptoms of gas which can be trapped in the stomach. Having less gas will usually mean having less heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms.

Check out these two great books which will show you how to stop acid reflux permanently using natural remedies:
  1. Heartburn No More.

  2. Stop Acid Reflux Now.

Information On Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease is commonly known as GERD, which is gastro esophageal reflux disease. It is a chronic condition where the acid contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus. If left untreated, this condition can lead to esophageal damage which could require surgery. Once treatment for acid reflux disease has begun it is usually necessary to continue treatment for the rest of your life. There are medications which can help to heal the damage but once discontinued, the damage can reoccur.

There are certain conditions which are believed to contribute to acid reflux disease. People with scleraderma often have acid reflux disease as a result of the esophageal muscles being damaged. Scleraderma is a rare disease which causes hardening of the muscles, tissue, and major organs.

Another condition is people who have a hiatal hernia often suffer from acid reflux disease. A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach attaches to the esophagus. This causes the esophagus to push against the diaphragm. Once this happens the esophagus is no longer in the correct position and is more susceptible to acid reflux disease.

Esophageal contractions are one of the more common causes of acid reflux disease. When the esophagus contracts, it pushes acids upwards. This results in the burning sensation which is known as heartburn.

Acid Reflux Disease Complications:

Since acid reflux disease is a chronic condition, there are several complications that can arise as a result of it. Ulcers can form in the esophagus just as they can in the stomach. An ulcer is a break in the lining of the esophagus which usually causes bleeding. In severe cases, the bleeding can become severe enough to require blood transfusion. This is rare but is something that needs to be watched carefully.

Strictures form after an ulcer has healed. This can be compared to scar tissue that forms after surgery. If the stricture is large enough, it may cause food to lodge in the esophagus causing a choking feeling. In some cases the food must be removed surgically. This problem can usually be corrected by a surgical procedure which stretches the esophagus out to a normal size. The procedure is simple and normally does not require a stay in the hospital.

If the reflux is bad enough to get into the lungs it could result in pneumonia. This happens when reflux fluid is aspirated into the lungs. This condition usually is accompanied by severe coughing. With this type pneumonia, the patient should seek help immediately since the acid can cause severe harm to the lining of the lungs. Scarring could result or, if left untreated, could lead to death.