Saturday, September 15, 2007

GERD-friendly Meals

GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease), also known as acid reflux affects millions of Americans. When you suffer from GERD, you will experience frequent and persistent heartburn two or more days a week. The physical symptoms of GERD can be very painful.

GERD occurs when there is a weakness in the lower esophageal sphincter (stomach muscle), allowing stomach acid to flow back up to the esophagus. In children, the most common GERD symptoms are stomachache, nausea, vomiting, wheezing, difficulty swallowing, heartburn and weight loss.

The best way to fight GERD or acid reflux is through healthy lifestyle and dietary changes.

What is GERD-friendly Meals?

GERD-friendly meals are meals that designed to avoid ingredients which could trigger heartburn. For example, some foods like tomato-based sauces, chocolate, coffee, spicy and deep fried dishes can trigger symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn. Always write down what you eat and when you experience heartburn. This will help you to identify which foods trigger your heartburn and what to avoid.

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